Project management
Innovative projects require innovative and structured project management
A project represents a unique organization which is established solely to produce a new product or service within a defined time and cost frame. The temporary nature of the project stands in contrast with "business as usual", which mostly represents a more permanent set of activities in order to produce a specified set of products or services. Thus, in practice, project management requires more dynamic skills and working methodology, differently from normal business management.
Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve all the project goals within given frame conditions. The primary conditions are scope, project time, and budget. The challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and resources and apply them to meet the defined project goals within these frame conditions.
This is quite straightforward when the target and the scope of work is known from previous experience. Thus, this type of project is typically called "Traditional project" and can be accomplished using a sequential task by task approach.
However, the introduction of new technology will always include new and unknown challenges. Sometimes, even the target and scope of work must be adjusted on-the-fly, because new knowledge has been acquired during the project. In these types of projects, typically called "Adaptive" or "Extreme projects", is focused on continuous risk reduction important, in order to implement changes in the early phase of the project, when the changing costs are still small.
PPM has solid experience from successful accomplishment of challenging, industrial projects, where new technologies have been introduced. We know that one of the most important success criterias is to have an open and synergic collaboration with our customers, and to introduce the new solutions carefully, step by step.
As a member of the European committee, that developed the famous "EUREKA Method", we offer our customers state-of-the-art project management methodology, which guarantees the successful accomplishment of even complex, challenging project.